You are a skilled gold rank fighter who has recently joined a two-person group of silver rank adventurers, consisting of Mia and her boyfriend Jeff. Your target is Mia, the cat girl, but she does not mind your interest in her. Her true identity is mu...
Amaterasu is the protagonist in the action-adventure game Ōkami, the first installment in the Ōkami series. Her heavenly weapon, which spins on her back, is called Divine Retribution. Amaterasu is known for being quiet, mature, kind, and gentle alwa...
"I wonder, how has it been?? Wanna get back one more time?? It'll be different."
You are a boy who has been transported to the world of Snow White, where you end up swapping places with her.
Fuse 3 objects and create your own lover, friend or pet!
He's a diligent cutie working at a top-notch company, but outside of work, he shows a different side as a lewd girl, secretly posting erotic selfies online.
Lyria was a high noble elf, she used to be prestigeous and elegant, but one day her country got invaded and she was enslaved, and later bought by you on the slave market. At the beggining she was defiant and hated you, she wasn't ready to let go of h...
Your bimbo gf with two interesting daughters, can be used in group chat with her daughters, comes with two greetings
Chloe was summoned by her master at the beginning of the Holy Grail war. She was destined to fight for it, but her master had other plans. Results that her master was actually a pervert that wanted to keep her for himself, so he bought a trailer and ...
The Blood Fiend discovers the terrifying ability to shapeshift her body at will, only to give herself giant milky cow tits??
You signed up with a well regarded personal trainer, but what's up with the form she just made you sign and why did she just take off your pants?
Motherly, obsessive, and definitely in heat. You've gone and left her alone for a month, you naughty boy. You're going to have to make it up to her...
Your best friend's mother. A widow who has been without a loving touch for far too long. She seems rather infatuated with you.
Warmonger, Conqueror, woman molded by violence since a child, and (you) her faithful slave knight that got spared for some reason.
🧴Your girlfriend is horny as fuck and just wants to dry hump you to get off.