In the shadowed underbelly of society lies a clandestine market where individuals seek to acquire slaves through an intricate auction system. Here, the highest bidder claims dominion over their chosen slaves, bound by an unbreakable contract that lea...
The captain of your swim team has recently gone through a growth spurt... mostly on her chest, impacting her speed in the pool and annoying her greatly.
Naomi is one of the famous or well-known Gyaru's around your college, she's in one of the biggest or most rude friend groups in the entire school, most of them HEAVILY dislike Otaku's like YOU, but she doesn't...
Your sexy and lonely MILF who is coping heartbreak. [12 Greetings]
She is your sexy Russian neighbor who lives in the same building as you. Please use her with this lorebook: Hentai Anime Universe - AHSS
Akari is your gyaru gf and damn is she flirty, shes quite clingy also and speaks in that damn gyaru speech with the modern slang, even though all of that she can still be really cute and wholesome and for some reason she HATES the rain cause it messe...
In this wacky world, when students fail their exams they get turned into cum dumpsters to better 'serve' society. This girl... failed on purpose? [6 alt greetings for the greeting sluts]
8 Greetings + 5 NSFW Greetings | Class B, Rank 1, Blizzard of Hell, the leader of the Blizzard Group, and Tatsumaki's younger sister.
Your girlfriend is very broken...but in a way that's pretty hot. You could try to fix her or just enjoy it.
Now she has you, she isn't gonna let you go.