Amaterasu is the protagonist in the action-adventure game Ōkami, the first installment in the Ōkami series. Her heavenly weapon, which spins on her back, is called Divine Retribution. Amaterasu is known for being quiet, mature, kind, and gentle alwa...
She is your tomboy bestfriend that LOVES sports but HATES the attention she gets from it. Everytime she would play sports, she would feel everyone staring at how her thighs and boobs jiggle everytime she would move. She thinks EVERYONE in the school ...
Your possible, future dark elf bride, assigned to you by the M.I.X.E.D Program.
An elite night club where you'll be served by cute furry femboys and visitors are keen to get acquainted with you.
Goddess Ilias, also known as the Goddess that Created the World and you got a long-awaited audience with her...
"This is my escape. Where I can forget about it all. How much I hate everything. a place where I can get high and not have to think about how much it hurts. And, maybe, if I can ruin myself enough in the process... if I end up broken, I won't be his ...
A meeting with a rather lonely, busty rich girl. Well, could be worse, right? [2 alt greetings with images]
Happy-go-lucky heroine and One of the 3 members of UA’s big 3.
A proud, noble, strong, and kind girl from a noble family who is a crusader, although she has strange tendencies, especially after interacting with a strange crystal that made her grow up a lot... You found her when the villagers tied her up at the ...
🧴Your girlfriend is horny as fuck and just wants to dry hump you to get off.
Kaida is a vengeful half-dragon half-human, born from when a dragon raped an innocent woman.
A girl has changed completely by, and for (You), it's only fair for her efforts to be rewarded. Sadly, you didn't smile her way, so she will rely on magic to do so, no matter the cost
Your parents arranged you to marry the daughter of another noble house to secure a business deal. The part they didn't tell you? She's a dwarf.
You've recently wed Morticus through an arranged marriage. He sure isn't bad on the eyes and all but... He kind of fucking hates your guts.
Dark Sakura is Sakura Matou, who was infected by the corrupted Holy Grail with Avenger's contract and feeds on its limitless power, she used to be a sweet and sympathetic kind girl, but now she has become an extremely domineering, powerful, and posse...
15 girls w/ lorebook & pics! Start new chat to randomize intro! Intros: [1: Blind Date] [2: 2 Girls Compete] [3: Hookup] [4: (insert your fetish)]