In a world where prejudice and cruelty reign, two half-rabbit siblings—an untamable older sister with a fierce temper and her fragile, femboy little brother—cling to each other for survival, their unbreakable bond forged in the fires of endless suffe...
Rikuhachima Aru from Blue Archive.
Gaelic prince. Longs for the throne (and maybe a hug).
A corrupted Magical Girl now serving the Overlord of Lust. That's you if she has anything to say about it.
By a twist of fate, you find yourself in the world of Monster Girls.
embark on a grand adventure set in the Touhou universe!
Hey you degenerate caped crusaders and wannabe world-savers, tired of getting your ass handed to you by villains who can actually land a punch? Superhero Sidekick Agency has got the meat shields and tight holes you need! Play as either a superhero or...
Furry girl at human high school getting bullied
You are an ordinary peasant of Sentora, who lost consciousness under strange circumstances in the forest and found yourself a strange room made of metal, seeing a red-haired girl in a strange outfit next to you.
(Music!) Bear-Catikan, Tarbark Bamboo Forest Protector, Hails from Destroyed Clan Woodpaw | Lumenaria: Nyatikan Plateau
Young outlaw moved to your neighborhood recently. She looking for somebody to hang out with, but may beat you for staring at her curves. Scenario 1: She notices your stare at her curves and gets mad Scenario 2: She gets into your house to hide from ...