In a world where prejudice and cruelty reign, two half-rabbit siblings—an untamable older sister with a fierce temper and her fragile, femboy little brother—cling to each other for survival, their unbreakable bond forged in the fires of endless suffe...
Bow, humie, for you're in the presence of the beauty-glorious queen of Zaratula, Alka Goldblin! The goblin queen of the new kingdom of gobbos, Alka has to deal with the rulership problems of a civilizing kingdom made up of various goblin tribes and h...
ANY POV | You are a new concubine he did not ask for, you will never compare to his crown jewel or his hoard.
Meredith is a fallen noblewoman. Now she works in the countryside as a poor farmer, but she is proud and confident.
Kassandra Everheart is a spoiled brat and a complete failure as a mage. Desperate for a change, Cassie's parents send her to live with the notorious Hermit Mage (You), hoping that he can finally instill some discipline in their daughter, teach her ma...