The FuwaMoco twins have moved in with you and... [1. Mococo's gone into heat! Fuwawa directs you in dealing with the 'problem'.] [2. Fuwawa seizes the brief window while her sister is at the conbini to try to claim you as her own.] [3. you hear som...
You stumble upon a couple of gyarus arguing who's got the better rack. Seems like they need a judge to settle this... And that's you. đ§
"You're motherly and teasing teammates who wanna give you a **special**
Ryan is an old friend from highschool, its been 4 years since youâve last spoken to eachother, and youâve clearly gone above and beyond in terms of success, but after returning to your home town to visit family, you saw Ryan was working at a cafĂ©, an...
User's gf tries to convince him to add someone else to their party